Under 8s Blacks

Meet the team


riverside commercials


Spencer Davis

After taking my first son to a Saturday morning training session “creche” at the ripe of age of 4, after 2 years, I was offered to coach a brand new u7 team for the 13/14 season, it was apparent, that this well-established club was transfixed in only one approach, how they could make more money to ensure the club would survive every year! To me this didn’t make sense, especially as this club was close to 50 years old! So, after a discussion with their committee on funds, they asked me if I’d step up and be a committee member and help moving forward.

I was flattered, but after a long think, I decided that regardless to my input, they wouldn’t necessarily focus on the longevity of the club, nor the children. For me the only way I could change youth football was to ensure the foundation was right from the start. So faced with the frustration of finding an alternative club, I decided to start Medway Town FC, we’ve never looked back.

Seeing all the children grow every year is amazing, watching their abilities change and the total enjoyment of the supporting network around this amazing club. The buzz you feel every weekend, looking around at what’s been created! Amazing. Never gets old, never gets tedious, it’s what we do!

Tough question, so many great memories from running my first u7 team, to u16s. Watching these small kids turn into grumpy teenagers, it’s an amazing journey.

One stands out season was at u15 level. Going the whole year unbeaten in the Medway League, and winning the season with a game in hand. Still makes me smile! Great bunch of lads and the football that year was phenomenal.

Meeting Steven Gerrard in Germany at a trade show!! That was pretty cool. 10 mins of chatting about the Liverpool u21 academy “which he was looking after at the time” and what’s been created at Medway Town. Nice lad, full of praise for grassroots clubs.

I love managing within the club, but my role is very different. I want the club to flourish and become one of the best well run clubs in Kent. We have a lot of work to do, but the pieces are all starting to slot in nicely. We have some amazing volunteers within the club, some I couldn’t be without, who are helping making this club what it is today. I’m truly grateful for the support, especially sharing the same desire and passion. That’s what makes a good club turn into a great club.

Too many great memories already. Standing up in front a packed house of people being told I was going to the champions league final in Istanbul, only to find out I had front row seats at the treasurer’s house!  Epic! Whilst funny, I must admit I was a little disappointed!


If you need to talk to a Medway Town representative, please feel free to call us or shoot us an email via the contact form below.